
  • Spellers Movie

    This FREE hour long documentary provides a great insight into a speller’s world and what all they face. This is perfect for anyone who is just getting started or even if you just want a refresher. (Just be warned you may find yourself needing lots of tissues).

  • I-ASC

    The International Association of Spelling to Communicate website provides a variety of resources to families with spellers.

  • Letters Are Everywhere Blog Post

    This blog post does an excellent job of reminding us that letters can be found everywhere around us. As a result, Spellers are constantly surrounded by words to help them learn and grow.

  • Motormorphosis

    Every year the I-ASC and nonspeaking community host a conference in the summer (normally in July) called Motormorphosis. Practitioners, CRP’s, Spellers, and parents meet and learn new information, skills, etc. I cannot recommend it enough!